PVTIME – According to the LONGi’s latest silicon wafer guidance released on March 25, the price of its P type M6 165μm mono wafer and that of P type 158.75/223mm 165μm mono wafer will increase.

LONGi’s price trend on March 25 (Source: LONGi)
On March 7, the price of LONGi’s P type M10 165μm mono wafer increased by 0.20 yuan (3.08%) to 6.70 yuan per piece. The price of P type M6 165μm mono wafer and that of P type 158.75/223mm 165μm mono wafer remained the same, compared with the prices released in February.
This time, on March 25, the price of its P type M10 165μm mono wafer was not changed. Yet the price of P type M6 165μm mono wafer and that of P type 158.75/223mm 165μm mono wafer have increased by 0.10 yuan/piece, increase of 1.83% and 1.90% respectively from March 7.