PVTIME – FTC Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FTCI) a leader in utility-scale solar tracking technology, has been awarded a 504 megawatts DC project in Arizona. FTC Solar will be providing its Voyager tracker to Moss Solar, one of the nation’s leading Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies, who has been contracted by a leading Tier 1 U.S. Developer to construct the solar plus storage facility.

The project is an innovative solar and energy storage project located in Maricopa County, Arizona. It will have a capacity of up to 504 megawatts DC of clean, renewable, solar power, combined with 260 megawatts AC of energy storage. The project represents a significant capital investment in Arizona beyond PV panels and batteries.
The project will utilize FTC Solar’s 2P Voyager+ tracker that optimizes energy capture while simultaneously reducing man-hours and equipment needed for installation. The project is scheduled to begin operations in 2023.