PVTIME – Beam Global, (Nasdaq: BEEM, BEEMW), the leading provider of innovative sustainable technology for electric vehicle (EV) charging, outdoor media and energy security, announced that a Federally Funded Research and Development Center has made a third repeat order to further expand its fleet of EV ARC™ solar powered EV charging systems to charge EVs, hybrids and NEVs (neighborhood electric vehicles) used in fleet operations and by employees. The latest system was purchased using the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract Number 47QSWA21D0006 which simplifies the federal procurement process and ensures best pricing.

The EV ARC™ system is equipped with a dual port charging station to serve the growing fleet of electric vehicles at the facility. It generates and stores its own clean electricity and delivers that electricity to power agency EVs day or night, and during inclement weather and power outages. Flood proof to 9.5 feet, wind-rated to 120 mph and equipped with an Emergency Power Panel, the product adds to the agency’s energy resiliency and disaster preparedness. The EV ARC™ is transportable and can be relocated as EV fleet charging patterns emerge and grow.
“The U.S. Federal Government is currently the largest consumer of gasoline in the world but it will become the largest operator of electric fleets in the future. Executive Order 14008 has created a sense of priority and urgency in accelerating fleet electrification in federal and federally funded agencies,” said Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley. “Solar-powered off-grid EV ARC systems are the fastest deployed permanent yet transportable EV charging solution on the market and they deliver a layer of resiliency that you can’t get from the centralized grid.”
American made EV ARC™ products have been deployed at five Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory. Requiring no connection to the utility grid, Beam Global products are rapidly deployed with no construction, no electrical work and no utility bill to deliver significant long-term savings to government budgets. For more information on purchasing Beam’s EV ARC™ ready-to-deploy sustainable EV charging solutions through the GSA MAS Contract, please contact The Beam Team at 858-799-4583 or BeamTeam@BeamForAll.com.