PVTIME – LONGi has supplied the Chamalire School in Malawi with 20 solar panels capable of reaching a peak power of 7,200W. Zikomo Africa, an NGO association in existence since 2006, executed the project, as part of its mission to aid development in Africa, particularly Malawi, by providing communities with infrastructure and training.

The school is located in the village of Tanga, in the Central region of Malawi, where there has up to now been no electric power supply. The PV station will bring the obvious benefits of providing both students and teachers with more hours of light, also enabling the installation of computers in the school’s classrooms. Beyond the school environment, the village will now also be better placed to participate in national health campaigns and consulting activities.

Some 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live without access to electricity. The majority of these – approximately 80% – live in rural areas with no grid electricity, its introduction largely deemed unrealistic for financial and logistic reasons. ‘We are delighted to see solar PV lighting up more and more parts of Africa, with off-grid power stations offering an effective solution,’ commented Dennis She, Senior Vice President at LONGi Solar.