PV Operations Europe 2020
Ⅰ. Introduction:
PV Operations Europe 2020 formerly PV Asset Management and O&M Europe 2020 will scrutinise the challenges and opportunities relevant to increase plant performance and asset profitability. Expert speakers from companies like Canadian Solar, Enerparc, Sonnedix, RES, EDF Energies Nouvelles, Aquila Capital, Bluefield will address a range of topics on O&M and asset management best practice to ensure you are fully equipped with all the knowledge you need for a competitive market place.
This edition will bring together Europe’s finest minds in PV to address the biggest challenges and identify how to maximise the enormous opportunities in the industry.
Ⅱ. Highlights:
● Increase your profits through maximised yield
● O&M and Asset Management collaboration
● Getting the right O&M model
● Contract length, negotiations & reliability
● Plant Rehabilitation
● Inverter selection, maintenance & optimisation
● The business case for PV plus Storage
Ⅲ. Why Attend:
◆ Interactive sessions with the biggest names in the PV industry – hear from them, meet with them and use disruptive market conditions to shape your competitive advantage
◆ Extensive networking opportunities, in formal and informal settings, to meet with the companies and individuals who are key to improving and developing your business
◆ Presentations developed from months of research, to bring you exclusive and valuable lessons, case studies, and actionable experience