PVTIME – Recently, The INTEC Energy Solutions (INTEC) a company provides high-quality turnkey solar power plant solutions, and Chint Solar (CHINT), a global provider of smart energy solutions, have reached a cooperation agreement with Econergy for EPC services of a photovoltaic power station with an estimated installed capacity of 154 MWp in Arges County, southern Romania.

Romania is gifted with abundant sun radiation, suitable climate and supporting policies for the development of solar power plant. The new solar plant is designed to install with the largest power generation capacity in Romania so far, which is planned to provide clean electricity to approximately 100,000 households and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 160,000 MT every year as being connected to the grid. Renewable energy plays important role in Romania in recently years, and this project is expected to contribute to Romania’s long-term strategy of sustainable renewable development as Romanian government plans to increase the proportion of renewable energy to 30.7% of its total energy supply by 2030, adding 3.692GW of solar power within ten year, according to its National Energy and Climate Change plan 2021-2030.
INTEC and CHINT have worked successfully together on various EPC projects in recent years. Through this new strategic partnership, the two companies will be able to leverage their unique market presences and accelerate the global transition to renewable energy sources. The partnership is well-positioned to meet the demands of the current global decarbonization plan through clean solar power. In the future, the partnership plans to sustainably grow the EPC portfolio of realized projects across Europe.