PVTIME – Recently, Arctech Solar Holding Co., Ltd.(688408.SH)(hereinafter referred to as Arctech), a leading manufacturer and supplier of intelligent solar trackers, fixed-tilt structures and BIPV systems for utility-scale and commercial solar PV projects worldwide, and POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited reached a cooperation agreement on the 257MW support system of the CEME1 Solar Plant Project in Chile.

CEME1 Solar Plant is located in the Antofagasta region, in the Atacama Desert, where is gifted with exceptional levels of solar irradiation. The Plant is designed to be Chile’s largest solar plant with an estimated capacity of 480 MW so far, with 860,000 photovoltaic modules and will be able to supply electricity for approximately 400,000 homes while avoiding the emission of 280,000 tons of carbon dioxide every year.
Arctech has entered the Chilean solar market since 2019. As a provider of solar photovoltaic brackets, Arctech performed well in the Latin American market with dozens of solar projects. Nearly 1.6GW of solar projects has been signed with Arctech in Chile by the end of 2021.