PVTIME – According to China Southern Power Grid, during the first three quarters of Year 2021, the five southern provinces and regions in China under the patronage of China Southern Power Grid, consumed more than 540 billion kWh of clean electrical energy, with the utilization rate of renewable energy generation rising by 0.22% year-on-year to 99.81%, suggesting nearly 100% consumption of clean electrical power.

With 3.31 million kilowatts of renewable energy capacity newly installed by the unrelenting efforts of a massive “army” of CSG engineers and talented staff, 28.14 billion kWh of electricity was generated by maximizing clean solar, wind and hydro resources to create renewable electricity for an increase of 5.7% year on year.
Specifically, the cumulative utilization rate of water energy in the five southern provinces and regions was 99.79%, 0.22 percentage points higher year on year; the utilization rate of wind power was 99.87%, 0.28 percentage points higher year-on-year and the utilization rate of photovoltaic solar energy was 99.83%, 0.18 percentage points higher year on year.
Throughout Year 2021, China Southern Power Grid senior managers have continued to improve the Company’s market-based trading system to create clean energy resources and encourage other market players to utilize clean wind power, hydroelectric and photovoltaic solar energy.
In the past three quarters of Year 2021, the Company initiated the trading of power consumption for renewable energy in the southern provinces, formulated and issued the Pilot Program of Green Power Trading in Southern China, and launched the first green power trading in the region, with 1.037 billion kWh traded.
Market-based power trading across regions and provinces has also been in progress, with 24.9 billion kWh of electricity traded from January to September, an increase of 33% year on year.
By June 30 of this year, the lowest hydropower storage capacity across the grid stood at 8.1 billion kWh, 7.2 billion kWh lower than the annual target, creating favorable conditions for hydropower consumption during the flood season. Before the power consumption peak during the summer months, China Southern Power Grid engineers completed the annual overhaul of 11 DCs, including Kunliulong DC.
When the summertime power demands surged, key equipment and the main transmission channels of West-East Electricity Transmission Project were kept in good service, ensuring reliable power supplies to all customers.
To assist reaching its carbon peak and neutrality goals, building a renewable energy-dominant power system, and supporting economic and social development in an eco-friendly way, CSG senior managers are planning to increase up to 100 million kilowatts of installed capacity for new energy in the five southern provinces by Year 2025 and the proportion of installed capacity of non-fossil energy is expected to rise to 60%.
Company senior managers also are preparing for the acceleration of the implementation of off-peak power consumption projects and clean energy transmission projects, and improving clean energy transmission and consumption capacity.
Concurrent planning by China Southern Power Grid senior managers also calls for the research into new energy projects based on resources in different provinces and regions, project background investigation and regional potential for power load expansion.
In addition, CSG engineers will be carrying out in-depth research on pumped storage and electrochemical energy storage that is expected to provide insightful support for the massive expansion of new and clean energy sources.