10 Billion Yuan! CNNC Hua Yuan to Launch Source-Grid-Load-Storage New Energy Project in Gansu Province, China

PVTIME – CNNC Hua Yuan Titanium Dioxide Co.,Ltd. (002145.SZ),  one of the major titanium dioxide manufacture in China, announced on June 14 that its wholly-owned subsidiary has signed for 2GW Source-Grid-Load-Storage new energy project with the People’s Government of Jingtai County, Gansu Province, China.

According to the agreement, the company plans to invest approximately CNY 10 billion in Jingtai County to launch renewable energy projects, which photovoltaic power generation (500 MW – 1000 MW ), wind power generation (1000 MW – 1500 MW, subjects to the final approval of the government departments),  energy storage 200 MW 2h (200MW/400MWh) will be included.
